‘Profile Painting were the most professional, accommodating wonderful friendly tradespeople I have ever come across! Nothing was too much trouble and the work was completed with amazing standards and attention to detail. We were blessed to have found these guys! Thanks Julian and Coni’ – Angela Muir – January 2018
‘The team at Profile Painting were hard at work as much as they could, even with weather not on their side a lot of the time, patience and hard work won through. If you love your home like we do I highly recommend these people to take care of everything. They were very tidy and clean all the way. Thank you very much.’ Divinia Grooby – March 2018
‘ Profile Painting have worked on three of our homes now and we do not hesitate in recommending them for any professional job. The skill levels Julian portrays are second to none. Suzie and Tom – November 2017